Tyky-payment means

Promoting the Finnish wellbeing at work since 2005

The employer’s best investment is to support the staff

One euro invested in the wellbeing at work will bring up to six euros back as reduced sick leave and improved productivity. Once you’ve decided to support the exercising of your staff you continue by choosing the Tyky-payment means. Exercise, culture or both in appropriate proportion.

Provide staff benefits
Risk free

No long-term contracts, high commissions or hidden costs.

Tax free

The employer can support each employee by 400 euros per year.


The support is directed to the right person and to work-improving activities.


More than 7,000 cultural and sport sites around Finland.

Payment means

The best payment means for supporting the staff - both in a traditional, electronic and mobile way

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Työnantaja, mietitkö henkilöstöetuja?

Meiltä suositut liikunnan ja kulttuurin, lounaan, hyvinvoinnin ja työmatkan maksuvälineet. Valikoimassa perinteiset ja mobiilit edut.
