Thousands of Finns pay their recreational activities with the Tyky-payment means every day. Do you already accept Tyky payments?

Join the Tyky network

Tyky as the service provider’s partner

Increase the demand for your services and your success as a recipient of the Tyky-payment means.

Open your doors to thousands of new customers

By joining us as a service provider you are offering a large number of existing and potential clients the possibility to use the benefit offered by the employer for your services.

The service providers will get a page on our online service where thousands of people look for recreational service providers every day. The service providers also appear in Tyky’s other marketing channels, such as newsletters and Facebook.

Join the Tyky network

Expand your customer base with the Tyky users in your region as well as business travelers and holidaymakers.

Risk free

No registration or monthly fees: we only charge a commission for received payments.


You will always get personal assistance in all questions concerning the reception of Tyky.


Refund your receivables at your own pace (vouchers) or receive them automatically in your bank account (Online).

Latest Service Providers

Thousands of recreational possibilities

To join the network of service providers is free. Join now

Työnantaja, mietitkö henkilöstöetuja?

Meiltä suositut liikunnan ja kulttuurin, lounaan, hyvinvoinnin ja työmatkan maksuvälineet. Valikoimassa perinteiset ja mobiilit edut.
